Wednesday 11 May 2016

The Denial

I just love love…It’s an amazing concept.

And I am not saying this because of the feel which we get when we are in love also not for the heartbeats ,roses, sleepless nights, romance, cuddle ,that surprise touch, the soundless music in our minds, those no reason smiles or even the first kiss. Of course these are the best part of love which is widely explained by lot of romantics of universe. I feel apart from all this love is also the best teacher of life and it definitely makes us a more evolved person if not a better one…

Still apart from all this I have a complaint from love , it never teaches how to handle the heartaches.

It does keep reminding us that there can be heartbreak and heartaches in future even we were asked to do dress rehearsal also for that several times but then if you will ask this with someone who faced it in reality not just dress rehearsal life was quite different.

We always believed it to be theatrical, as we have always witnessed it in movies. One’s heart gets shattered by the person who was their lifeline, and the lifeline becomes free from all past memories and emotions and just ends it. Post which starts lot of tears, sitting alone whole day, breakup parties from friends , meeting someone new or finding hidden passion within yourself and keeping yourself busy with that and one day life moves on…But the I told you that it was just theatrical activity or DR. Reality is never how we always plan it to be.

Heartbreak is under rated and it’s such a feeling that it can’t be put in words not just because we cannot it’s also because it will be a disrespect to it.

The ME TIME which was the favorite part of your life once now becomes your biggest enemy, you hate being alone. You don’t want anybody care concern suggestion but you don’t want to be alone too.

If you put it in flow structure then it begins with numbness you don’t feel what’s happening with you and you try to recollect your past memories to understand it better. Then comes the phase of denial in which we try to avoid the truth or you can say try not to accept the truth and become furious.

Later  comes the toughest part the blackout, the realization that you are still in love but you can’t do anything to make you feel better, most of the times you don’t even want to but then emotions keep popping up. Slowly everything stops making sense and starts disappearing.

But as I started this that love makes a more evolved human being, we realize that life is beyond this also. And you try to learn to live, act normal take up our old lifestyle , connect with people whom we missed during all this. Behave as if nothing has happened.

Still you fear joining yourself in ME TIME, but sometime when you go you let a tear or two flow from you stoned eyes and in those moments your eyes don’t cry it’s your heart that does aching for love.

We convince ourselves that we have to live with it, what if some part of our heart has something for the lifeline we have to hide in somewhere deep within the core of our hearts, somewhere so deep that we can’t find it even if we try to.

I just love love because it teaches us how to cover our scars and move forward to fall in love once again…and we do.

1 comment:

  1. beautifully written & so easy to relate to, how about taking this discussion to another level that talks of what happens next after The Denial :)
