Friday 27 May 2016

A Social Animal

When I was a kid I read a line that “Human is a social animal” but I dint get its meaning then.  In due course of time I have seen and read about many two legged creatures with lot of mind quotient behaving lot worse than animals. On the other hand I saw people who were trying to make our world a better place to live. I tried doing something with the second lot.
Everyone was trying to change the world and as I got deeper into the system it made look like as if everyone was saying that they are trying but no one was actually doing it, mostly it was for changing their own social status and little of changing the world.
Then the question arise in my mind can the world actually be changed or it’s just a slogan by some activist to keep world busy in something other than their regular course of work, or if yes then how?
I took me time to work this out and during that I realized that its meaning varies from one person to other, some were trying to save soil, tree and water…others were trying to save humans from getting killed by other humans, some died while saving the tigers and polar bears while others were trying saving the ice for beers and penguins.
I was amazed to see that few people even doing their bit by traveling all around world on bicycle or running for bringing peace all over.
I also have to fit as a piece in this jigsaw puzzle as per my corners and size, so I chose smile and love.

I learnt that I loose myself completely whenever I am surrounded with kids who are trying to share everything with me and expecting nothing in return, Just few toffees are enough to make them happiest person of universe.  Every time I share some moments of knowledge with them I gained a lot more in return if not knowledge the definitely peace. Whenever I spend some hours of my life doing any social activity, I always find myself a more evolved human being than what I was before.
I read a theory in some book, it said if we consider age of Earth as 1 year then age of humans is 5 minutes and the world which we are seeing today is changed into this in last few seconds…Now its upto us to think and realize what took one year to come in its perfect form we spoiled it in few seconds and continuously doing it…I don’t know what will be the death time for it but I definitely wish to make it last a bit longer.

I will try my level best to make this world a better place to live for everyone, I wish that all of us try that too.

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