Monday 9 May 2016

Love & Roses

I always have a fascination towards the red rose since I was a child. We always see it as a symbol of happiness, purity and beauty. It’s not just the red color and fragrance of rose that attracts us toward it, whereas if you observe closely there is some internal moisture in rose leaves which gives us a kind of warmth and soft feeling to hands whenever we hold it.
Amidst  all this theory about rose there is one thing which always made me curious that why it is referenced with love and always visualized as symbol of love and romance between couples. I mean it has nothing to do with emotions and feelings what we experience while falling in love still “Red is defined as color of love and rose as symbol of showing love”.
Surprisingly one day I got a rose out of somewhere just like that from a friend and to give some more food to my curious mind I kept it my room and started observing it every day. Initially it was creating a beautiful aura and positive impact in my room , still there were no answers to my question my question of rose’s relation to love.
I noticed with each passing day that the rose which was blossoming in my room two days back, is slowly losing it charm and starting to fade from red to grey even the smells seems to be dying out of it. You have to go very close to it if you want to get the smell.
Few more days passed and the leaves are sort of black now and the smell was all lost. It appears that the rose was overall degrading the beauty of my room now. One day I was angry and my mom told me I am getting irritated because of that dried rose in my room as its creating negative impact on my mind. She asked me to throw it away. But as I’ve already told that I have some unsettled curiosity for roses & their connection with love so I couldn’t throw it away so I left it like that. As days passed by, the leaves dried and blackened completely, they even left the stem and were lying on my floor. I realized that I am not throwing it away but roses wanted to be thrown away and I am just not letting it go for my own satisfaction & greed.  I decided that I will give a much deserved goodbye to my once beautiful & presently dying room partner. As I was picking the rose which was now only some leaves and stem, I got pinched by the thorn of stem and blood came out from my finger. As I came out of the house even rest of the leaves also flew and now only the stem was left in my blood stained hands.
I saw a bird coming towards me from the nearby tree, in blow of a second the stem was in the bird’s beak which she took to complete the nest over the nearby tree. I was standing alone with blood stream flowing out of my hands watching the bird trying to place it and stem trying to position itself in the new room. To serve a new purpose to be heart of someone else’s home.
In that few minutes it all became clear like a suspense getting revealed of a thriller movie. The roses, the red color, the smell, the warmth , the beauty , the aura , the positive impact and most of all its relation to love ,relations and heartbreak…

1 comment:

  1. So true it is.. Like this rose , there are a million dreams that we see dying everyday & still there is a hope of a happy ending :
