Saturday 28 May 2016

The Fall...

It’s amazing to be in love.

Or as the world says to fall in love, you seem to be feeling the cold breeze and droplets of water touching your face while you are falling, we seem to enjoy every bit of that moment unaware of the fact what outcome the impact will bring. But then the journey seems so mesmerizing that nobody  cares of the destination, but it surely feels as if there is heaven down there.

In love the heart never stops beating twice than its normal pace , those random smiles started coming very often that too without any reason. Singing songs become more frequent and sometime you start jumping on the road while walking. 

We don’t realize what is happening with us, lot of questions, queries and confusion starts to pop up in our minds, the more we try to find out its solution the more heart starts beating. After sometime we realize that there is just one answer to all of this its time.

Everyone who has touched the ground has their own way or perception of describing the reality of love weather its heaven or hell or just another regular place. But I believe it’s always best to make your own stories, live through your own experiences rather than learning from  someone else's.

             Let’s fall in love, let’s do it together,
                      A fall of lifetime ….
               If you feel fear I will hold your hand,
         If you will feel cold I’ll give you my warmth,
         If obstacles come to you ill face them first…
                I will never let you get thirst…
            You just open your eyes and fall by my side,
                  And keep the whole world aside.
                      Lets fall in love ,
                    let’s do it together…..

Friday 27 May 2016

A Social Animal

When I was a kid I read a line that “Human is a social animal” but I dint get its meaning then.  In due course of time I have seen and read about many two legged creatures with lot of mind quotient behaving lot worse than animals. On the other hand I saw people who were trying to make our world a better place to live. I tried doing something with the second lot.
Everyone was trying to change the world and as I got deeper into the system it made look like as if everyone was saying that they are trying but no one was actually doing it, mostly it was for changing their own social status and little of changing the world.
Then the question arise in my mind can the world actually be changed or it’s just a slogan by some activist to keep world busy in something other than their regular course of work, or if yes then how?
I took me time to work this out and during that I realized that its meaning varies from one person to other, some were trying to save soil, tree and water…others were trying to save humans from getting killed by other humans, some died while saving the tigers and polar bears while others were trying saving the ice for beers and penguins.
I was amazed to see that few people even doing their bit by traveling all around world on bicycle or running for bringing peace all over.
I also have to fit as a piece in this jigsaw puzzle as per my corners and size, so I chose smile and love.

I learnt that I loose myself completely whenever I am surrounded with kids who are trying to share everything with me and expecting nothing in return, Just few toffees are enough to make them happiest person of universe.  Every time I share some moments of knowledge with them I gained a lot more in return if not knowledge the definitely peace. Whenever I spend some hours of my life doing any social activity, I always find myself a more evolved human being than what I was before.
I read a theory in some book, it said if we consider age of Earth as 1 year then age of humans is 5 minutes and the world which we are seeing today is changed into this in last few seconds…Now its upto us to think and realize what took one year to come in its perfect form we spoiled it in few seconds and continuously doing it…I don’t know what will be the death time for it but I definitely wish to make it last a bit longer.

I will try my level best to make this world a better place to live for everyone, I wish that all of us try that too.

Sunday 22 May 2016


Some people are your birth friends and some you meet on your journey of learning's...
It doesn't matters who comes when,
all that matters is who connects the most.
With whom you feel like home. 

Wednesday 11 May 2016

The Denial

I just love love…It’s an amazing concept.

And I am not saying this because of the feel which we get when we are in love also not for the heartbeats ,roses, sleepless nights, romance, cuddle ,that surprise touch, the soundless music in our minds, those no reason smiles or even the first kiss. Of course these are the best part of love which is widely explained by lot of romantics of universe. I feel apart from all this love is also the best teacher of life and it definitely makes us a more evolved person if not a better one…

Still apart from all this I have a complaint from love , it never teaches how to handle the heartaches.

It does keep reminding us that there can be heartbreak and heartaches in future even we were asked to do dress rehearsal also for that several times but then if you will ask this with someone who faced it in reality not just dress rehearsal life was quite different.

We always believed it to be theatrical, as we have always witnessed it in movies. One’s heart gets shattered by the person who was their lifeline, and the lifeline becomes free from all past memories and emotions and just ends it. Post which starts lot of tears, sitting alone whole day, breakup parties from friends , meeting someone new or finding hidden passion within yourself and keeping yourself busy with that and one day life moves on…But the I told you that it was just theatrical activity or DR. Reality is never how we always plan it to be.

Heartbreak is under rated and it’s such a feeling that it can’t be put in words not just because we cannot it’s also because it will be a disrespect to it.

The ME TIME which was the favorite part of your life once now becomes your biggest enemy, you hate being alone. You don’t want anybody care concern suggestion but you don’t want to be alone too.

If you put it in flow structure then it begins with numbness you don’t feel what’s happening with you and you try to recollect your past memories to understand it better. Then comes the phase of denial in which we try to avoid the truth or you can say try not to accept the truth and become furious.

Later  comes the toughest part the blackout, the realization that you are still in love but you can’t do anything to make you feel better, most of the times you don’t even want to but then emotions keep popping up. Slowly everything stops making sense and starts disappearing.

But as I started this that love makes a more evolved human being, we realize that life is beyond this also. And you try to learn to live, act normal take up our old lifestyle , connect with people whom we missed during all this. Behave as if nothing has happened.

Still you fear joining yourself in ME TIME, but sometime when you go you let a tear or two flow from you stoned eyes and in those moments your eyes don’t cry it’s your heart that does aching for love.

We convince ourselves that we have to live with it, what if some part of our heart has something for the lifeline we have to hide in somewhere deep within the core of our hearts, somewhere so deep that we can’t find it even if we try to.

I just love love because it teaches us how to cover our scars and move forward to fall in love once again…and we do.

Monday 9 May 2016

Love & Roses

I always have a fascination towards the red rose since I was a child. We always see it as a symbol of happiness, purity and beauty. It’s not just the red color and fragrance of rose that attracts us toward it, whereas if you observe closely there is some internal moisture in rose leaves which gives us a kind of warmth and soft feeling to hands whenever we hold it.
Amidst  all this theory about rose there is one thing which always made me curious that why it is referenced with love and always visualized as symbol of love and romance between couples. I mean it has nothing to do with emotions and feelings what we experience while falling in love still “Red is defined as color of love and rose as symbol of showing love”.
Surprisingly one day I got a rose out of somewhere just like that from a friend and to give some more food to my curious mind I kept it my room and started observing it every day. Initially it was creating a beautiful aura and positive impact in my room , still there were no answers to my question my question of rose’s relation to love.
I noticed with each passing day that the rose which was blossoming in my room two days back, is slowly losing it charm and starting to fade from red to grey even the smells seems to be dying out of it. You have to go very close to it if you want to get the smell.
Few more days passed and the leaves are sort of black now and the smell was all lost. It appears that the rose was overall degrading the beauty of my room now. One day I was angry and my mom told me I am getting irritated because of that dried rose in my room as its creating negative impact on my mind. She asked me to throw it away. But as I’ve already told that I have some unsettled curiosity for roses & their connection with love so I couldn’t throw it away so I left it like that. As days passed by, the leaves dried and blackened completely, they even left the stem and were lying on my floor. I realized that I am not throwing it away but roses wanted to be thrown away and I am just not letting it go for my own satisfaction & greed.  I decided that I will give a much deserved goodbye to my once beautiful & presently dying room partner. As I was picking the rose which was now only some leaves and stem, I got pinched by the thorn of stem and blood came out from my finger. As I came out of the house even rest of the leaves also flew and now only the stem was left in my blood stained hands.
I saw a bird coming towards me from the nearby tree, in blow of a second the stem was in the bird’s beak which she took to complete the nest over the nearby tree. I was standing alone with blood stream flowing out of my hands watching the bird trying to place it and stem trying to position itself in the new room. To serve a new purpose to be heart of someone else’s home.
In that few minutes it all became clear like a suspense getting revealed of a thriller movie. The roses, the red color, the smell, the warmth , the beauty , the aura , the positive impact and most of all its relation to love ,relations and heartbreak…