Tuesday 14 June 2016

The Flight of love

“Love at first sight” this statement has always been hyped too much, irrespective of that fact that does anything like this exists or not. As per my point of view it doesn’t.

As if you see a person and realize at the same moment of your life that she is the one with whom you want to have kids with. You can’t see a person match its cast, religion, family career and future and if it doesn’t match you decide that you can’t fly in love with her hence no connection.
It doesn’t works like this, not at all.

It’s a complete process which eventually turns out to be flying in love.
You meet and talk with someone post which a connection develops between the two that too to jus because of the way she loves life, talks, how she treats the world and most importantly you.
Later the connection transforms itself in to a friendship and then best friendship. During  all this time if the bonding grows stronger with each flying day and connection keep persists then you starts flying in love and not in a moment ,slowly and steadily.
Once it happens then world remind you of the parameters for being in love but by that time both of you have flown too far and high crossing the mountains and the clouds. Now only option left to us either reach for the moon leaving the world behind or fall in love….

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