Sunday 7 August 2016

Girl’s Best Friend

Friendship is the most vulnerable relationship that exists, it is most loved and even more hated kind of connection. You become friends easily and at times friends become worst foes people have ever seen. It’s difficult to understand the real depth of friendship if you are not actually a part of it. But there is kind of I know is more complex than any of which exists a “Girl – Boy Best Friendship”.
I we see it from the perspective of a boy they are mostly misunderstood as the girl’s boy friend. Sometimes they behave too girly too and mostly they end up doing all the tasks which in general scenario should be shared between two people. But this is just the panorama of a observer whereas reality is quite different.
A girl’s best boy friend (GBBF) is a unique species who has resolution to all the queries that comes in his friends mind howsoever silly, intellectual, technical or philosophical it is and if he is not able to do that by himself atleast he diverts the attention in which he awesome.
He never gets judgmental about the type of ball that is going to fall in his court from other end and he has all the tools to handle each and every one of them in most suitable and best possible way. They usually have an non-certified PHD in convincing their friends and converting the sadness in to smile.
A best friend is like single opening Pandora boxes which just accepts things and information and keeps it to them howsoever torture they face even in case of severe stomach aches. A word NO is deleted from their dictionary because even  if it exists its use will be worthless.

These are just a few thing which a GBBF does in return they share a strong connection between them which is only understood by the two of them.
Although they never share the physical connection between them but the souls and minds are connected the way it can’t be with anyone. They carry their relation in a very clean and pure manner which is beyond understanding of outside world or sometimes even their life partners.
We all are always in search of that one person who understand us they way we do ourselves, and when  a girl meets their GBBF’s that search ends post which starts the great saga of friendship and its stories which remains with them for all of their lives weather they remain connected or not.
There is no book to make someone your best friend nor even there are any rules, a girl can’t try to make a boy their best boy friend and a boy can’t act as being the one if he is not, They are just born to meet and be best friends.
You may fall in love many times, you will meet lot of people in a lifetime, the times will change and someday maybe the world will disappear for you, the stars will disappear for you but your best friend will always be there at outreach of your hand and if not then their memories will be enough to make you feel the most prized possession of whole universe.

Saturday 6 August 2016

Delhi: The First love

A poet once said “ Kaun jae Zauq, par dilli ki galiyan chodkar” , I never tried to search for its real meaning although I figured out my version for this phrase “Once you have lived in Delhi you will never be able to leave this place even if you do, it always stays with you”.

I have travelled almost one third of India in last few years and there was one common view which people had nobody likes Delhi specially those who have never been to Delhi or NCR, few were those also who used to live in capital once and now moved out they also have lot of complaints and comparison.

I never tried to argue with their thought about it, It was their perception, maybe they haven’t seen what I have felt. Or maybe the media and social network has succeeded in their act of defaming our beautiful city.

I Love Delhi, I was not born here , I don’t live their anymore , I don’t have list of reasons to justify my love for it , I just do it and miss it terribly. And howsoever I travel , relocate to best cities, meet new people I still can’t get that love out of my heart.

When I try to contemplate the reasons for it I remember the first time I fell in love and how it happened.

It happened just like that and nothing else in whole world matters at that time, we never judge the person with whom we fall in love and just follow our heart everything looks so contended even if it is hollow to outside world. Looks , future, job, family nothing comes in mind the only feelings that engulfs us  is our love , and that feeling stays with us forever howsoever more love we get in life but it always keep that special place within us.

That’s how loving Delhi is, we don’t judge it by its traffic, politics, weather, people or markets you fall in love with its soul after which nothing else matters.